From image capture to analysis, DRONE VOLT Expert is the most complete
drone service solution on the civil drone market.

Experts for your drone topographic surveys

Drone surveying, a reliable and cost-effective technique.

The use of drones is now establishing itself as the essential tool for carrying out topographic surveys with a view to 3D modelling of exceptional accuracy. Thanks to the georeferencing of very high-definition photos, combined with ground points taken with a GNSS rod, our approach guarantees unrivalled centimetre accuracy. Our cutting-edge technology combines the power of the drone, high photographic resolution and the precision of georeferencing, delivering results of remarkable quality.

Opt for our drone topographic surveying services for cutting-edge 3D modelling and centimetre accuracy unrivalled in the field.

Photogrammetry by drone

It is possible to go from decimetric modelling (detection of large defects on wide objects) to millimetric modelling (detection of cracks on engineering structures). The accuracy of the project depends on the quality of the GNSS channel used or the customer’s georeferencing in certain specific cases (georeferencing by an expert surveyor to the millimetre).

We create two types of object, the 3D model (a faithful representation of reality with its imperfections – used for inspection) and the 3D mock-up (a digital representation of the existing simplified but with an infinite number of attributes – used for BIM).

LiDAR survey by drone

Capable of acquiring dense, accurate data under forest cover, LiDAR is now a key technology in drone topography.

With a significant number of points per square metre, LIDAR offers point cloud accuracy that is ideal for creating a DTM and vectorising landscape or built features.

It can be used to reconstruct land under forest cover, such as river banks, dunes and dykes.

Bathymetry by drone

Bathymetry is used to determine the volume of retention basins or sedimentary basins in quarries.

Using GIS tools such as QGIS or GlobalMapper, we can transform the ASCII altimeter grid into a raster-type altimeter grid by interpolating between the points. This allows us to drape the seabed for easier viewing.

However, we can also integrate the bathymetric survey into AutoCad/Covadis as a point survey and then generate a DTM and contour lines.

Topography for mines and quarries by drone

Choose the efficiency of drone surveying for optimum management of your resources, with deliverables that meet your specific needs and enhance the safety and productivity of your operations.

Our drone surveying services provide detailed extraction reports, accurate stockpile cubing, in-depth safety diagnostics and state-of-the-art digital site modelling.

In addition, we can create complete topographical plans to give you a clear, detailed view of your mining environment.

Find out more about topography for mining


Equipe Drone Volt Expert, activité dédiée à la prestation de service par drone en France.

A team of experts at your service

France’s leading professional drone manufacturer, the DRONE VOLT teams are fully conversant with the very latest drone and sensor technologies. The service includes drones, suitable equipment, experienced pilot(s) and flight permits. Depending on the type of mission, our DRONE VOLT EXPERT department is equipped with processing and analysis software.

Our aerial services offer you the assurance of a quality service, expert advice including the study of your project, with execution as quickly as possible and in complete safety.

  • International presence
  • Reactivity thanks to our national and European network
  • Quick to implement
  • Data quality
  • International presence
  • Reactivity thanks to our national and European network
  • Quick to implement
  • Data quality

Request a quote for a drone surveying service.

Our drone service specialists are here to help.
Send us your request or call us on +33 (0)9 82 44 24 51.