From image capture to analysis, DRONE VOLT Expert is the most comprehensive drone service solution on the civil drone market.

Aerial operator specialised in precision farming by drone
Our drone pilots provide farmers with solutions to help them optimise their yields and the quality of their crops.
Drones are revolutionising precision farming by integrating biocontrol, ensuring targeted application of biological control methods to reduce the use of chemical inputs. Their use also optimises fertiliser spraying, guaranteeing uniform distribution to promote even crop growth.
In the field of seed dropping, drones offer a strategic approach for rapid and precise crop establishment. In addition, drones help to quickly identify toxic plants such as datura, thereby enhancing crop risk prevention.
The adoption of drones in agriculture represents a major technological advance to improve efficiency while minimising environmental impact.

Biocontrol of crops
Biocontrol is a set of plant protection methods based on the use of natural mechanisms.
Trichogramma is one of a range of biocontrols applied by drone, treating 5 hectares in 15 to 20 minutes. It is a small wasp that lays its eggs in those of the European corn borer and kills them by feeding on them as they develop.
To spray the trichogramma, the eggs encapsulated in a starch bead are dropped by our drone at regular locations in the plot, ensuring uniform protection of the crop.

Weed detection
The combined use of very high-resolution sensors on drones and analysis of the data captured by software using artificial intelligence enables datura plants to be identified and geolocated.
Flights can be scheduled at any stage of crop development and at any height, with no impact on the plants or the soil. We supply you with a Detection Map, showing the precise position of each weed plant in the field.

Agronomic diagnosis
The drone can be used to visualise the location and extent of agronomic problems and, with regular overflights, their development over time.
Carrying a very high-resolution or multispectral sensor, the drone produces very precise maps (centimetre accuracy and resolution).
For example, it can be used to extract vigour maps, weed maps, post-seeding emergence maps and input modulation maps compatible with a variety of farm machinery, enabling you to optimise crop yields.
Formerly known as Air-Marine, Drone Volt Expert is an established operator in the field of drone services. Backed by 14 years’ experience, we have developed a mission operating mode based on rigorous aeronautical procedures, ensuring unrivalled precision and safety on every mission.

- 1-Planning
– Activation of flight permit requests by our dedicated department.
– Mission planning by our Operations Director. - 2-Preparation for the mission
– Preparing the flight plan by assessing the constraints and expectations of the customer.
– Assembling the team as required for optimum reliability. - 3-On-site mission
– Safety briefing with the customer if necessary.
– Securing the flight perimeter.
– Check data before sharing with our geomaticians. - 4-Data processing
– Report produced by our in-house geomatics department.
– Delivery of the report to the customer.

A team of experts at your service
As France’s leading professional drone manufacturer, the DRONE VOLT teams are fully conversant with the very latest drone and sensor technologies. The service includes drones, appropriate equipment, experienced pilot(s) and flight permits. Depending on the type of mission, our DRONE VOLT EXPERT department is equipped with processing and analysis software.
Our aerial services offer you the assurance of a quality service, expert advice including the study of your project, with execution as quickly as possible and in complete safety.
- International presence
- Reactivity thanks to our national and European network
- Rapid implementation
- Data quality
- International presence
- Reactivity thanks to our national and European network
- Rapid implementation
- Data quality
Request a quote for a drone service.
Our drone service specialists are here to help.
Send us your request or call us on +33 (0)9 82 44 24 51.